Should You Hire A Disability Attorney?

If you can no longer work due to a disability and want to file for Social Security Disability payments, the process can seem overwhelming and daunting. The laws related to disability are complicated, and each situation is unique so it can be hard to know exactly what and how you should present your case. 

Disability attorneys are well-versed in all of the applicable laws and can help you present the information and records you have in the best possible light to give your disability claim a greater chance of success.

Why Is Hiring a Disability Attorney a Good Idea?

The main reason why most clients choose to hire a disability lawyer is because they're more likely to win their cases and begin receiving Social Security payments with a knowledgeable lawyer on their side.

Attorneys who handle disability claims are familiar with the process and how to handle your application, particularly when it comes to your alleged onset date of disability to help you get the most back pay possible.

Your lawyer will also be able to help you show how your disability meets one or more of the listed impairments that qualify you for payments according to the Social Security "blue book," or Disability Evaluation Under Social Security.

At What Stage of the Process Should You See an Attorney?

You don't have to hire a disability attorney at any point during your claims process, but it's best to at least consult with an experienced disability lawyer as soon as possible. You can even discuss your case with an attorney before you file your claim with the Social Security Administration. 

Seeing a lawyer as soon as possible will help you understand how strong your case is and assist you with filling out your initial application so that you're more likely to be approved on your first attempt. 

If you've already been denied for disability, hiring a lawyer for your appeal is the best way to make sure your case is as strong as possible. Disability attorneys can also sometimes help your case get through much more quickly than it would if you were handling it by yourself.

How Much Does Hiring a Lawyer Cost?

Disability attorneys' fees are regulated by federal law, which states the most they can charge is $6,000 or 25 percent of your disability back pay, whichever is less. Most Social Security Disability lawyers charge little to nothing upfront and provide free consultations — they only collect money if you win your case.  

If you're still unsure whether you should hire a disability attorney, it's best to set up a consultation to speak with one about your case. The attorney can look over your medical records and other facts that relate to your specific case and let you know how they can help. 

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Keeping Perspective After An Accident

When you are involved in a serious accident, it can be easy to feel like your entire world is falling apart. In addition to struggling with injuries and sudden expenses, you might also be worried about how to survive the emotional trauma. However, working with the right lawyer might help you to put all of your troubles into perspective. In addition to explaining the legal process and the intricacies of previous cases, he or she can also talk to you about what you deserve. I know that going to court can help you, which is why this blog is filled with detailed information about court.